He's Transcendent

Perhaps among the most fundamental attributes of God, at least in the view of much, if not most, of the Christian church is that He is transcendent. For something to be transcendent means that it surpasses all ranges or boundaries of whatever it transcends. But transcendence does not mean merely spilling beyond its container. For example, a over-boiling pot or an overflowing soft drink would not be said to transcend the pot or the glass. First, and perhaps among other reasons, is because there is water still inside the pot and soda still inside the glass that are, in fact, contained by the pot and the glass despite the fact that some has boiled over or flowed over.
Perhaps, it is fair to say that for something to truly transcend another thing, there must be utter impossibility of containing any part of the transcending thing. When discussing the transcendence of God, the thing said to be transcended by God would be anything that is utterly impossible to bound any part of God. Two things that are commonly referred to are space and time. Thus, God is said to transcend space and time.
That means that he is not contained by them. Space and time cannot contain any part of God as they do for all physical things. Space and time are never boundaries for God. He is not a part of them. He’s separate and distinct from them. He supersedes space and time. Although evidence of His reality may be reflected in them, through them and by them, no part of Him is bound, contained or restricted by space and time. He is not bound by them or subject to them. He is independent of space and time. Before time and space was, God is. Thus, God transcends space and time.
God also transcends all human experience. He is unlike anything that we can experience. He is beyond our ability to fully comprehend and grasp. No part of His being is bound by even the broadest ranges of our experiences.
Science can’t pinpoint Him. Yet, He is evidenced all through it. Philosophies can’t define Him. Yet they can’t ignore Him. All human efforts to fully grasp God, whether through scientific observation, human experience or intellect are quickly exhausted and leave only a sense of wonderment and awe without a full mental attainment of His being. God transcends EVERYTHING.