April Studies – Experiencing the Resurrection

April 23 – Restored Friendship

  Peter, a close disciple of Jesus, unthinkably abandoned Jesus during the most traumatic time of Jesus’ life – when He was about to endure deliberately inflicted excruciating pain of rejection, fleshing ripping flogging, crucifixion and death.  But soon thereafter, Jesus welcomes Peter back into His gracious fellowship.  Is this an example for us? What grudges do you hold? Isn’t it time to open your heart to Restored Fellowship? What about Restored Friendship? Is there a difference?

Bible Study - Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. The Book of Leviticus

Watch the Video Then Try to Answer These Questions:

1. What is the BIG question that Leviticus is about? Hint: 1st minute of video.

2. What word best describes the role of the Priest? Hint: 2 minutes into video.

3. What does it mean to be Holy?

4. What are the two sets of rituals?

Hope for Today

       “Now abides faith hope and love”. These three are wonderfully interconnected.  Hope energizes and elevates the person who harbors it.  It is a bulwark against despair.  It is a beacon against approaching gloom.  The Apostle Paul links hope with faith and love.  Hope is the product of faith, compelled by personal knowledge of God’s graces applied to your life and your knowledge of His unshakable love.  Today, combat every onset of despair by meditating upon God’s continued graces toward you and his demonstrated love.  He’s taken care of you yesterday.  He will do it today.